You are currently viewing 5 benefits you get if you choose a symbolic ceremony in Dominican Republic
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5 benefits you get if you choose a symbolic ceremony in Dominican Republic

People often ask me – what are symbolic ceremonies? Why would one get married “only” symbolically? Don’t your couples want to get married legally? Yes – most of them do! But there are several reasons why my clients often prefer to have a symbolic ceremony in the Dominican Republic instead of a legal wedding. Go on reading if you want to know what  your five benefits are, if you choose to have a symbolic wedding ceremony in the Dominican Republic.

But before, let me answer this one question: What is a symbolic ceremony? A symbolic wedding can be a romantic addition to your civil ceremony, as civil ceremonies happen to be very formal and short. A symbolic wedding is also a wonderful idea to renew your vows.

Now you might ask yourself: But how will I get legally married? Easy to solve! Just do it at home before or after your vacation in the Dominican Republic. Some of our clients don’t even tell anybody! They secretly tie the knot before departure to DR and then choose their symbolic wedding ceremony as their official wedding date. Or what would be a better excuse to party twice?

Now lets get back to the 5 benefits you get, if you choose a symbolic ceremony in the Dominican Republic:
First of all: paperwork! Having a legal wedding requires a lot of different documents, translations and legalizations while getting married as well as afterwards to register your marriage in your home country. For a symbolic wedding you don’t need any documents at all.

Second benefit: flexibility! Its the most flexible way of getting married! You can choose how long should it take, what components do you want to include (I do’s, your own vows, ring change, rituals e.g.). It can be a standard procedure from the bride walking down the aisle until the groom kisses the bride or something completely different. You decide! Do you want it to be religious or not at all? You can do what ever you want – 5 am on the top of Pico Duarte? No problem at all! Want me to be dressed like Elvis? Done!

Third benefit: costs! As you do not need any paperwork to be legalized or translated you will save a lot of money by choosing a symbolic ceremony.

Forth benefit: language! We speak English, Spanish, German and French – most of our clients can understand a ceremony in one of those languages, so you are all set – no need to pay an additional translator.

Fifth benefit: inclusivity! The Dominican Republic is a very catholic country. So legal same-sex weddings are not an option. Our symbolic ceremonies are a great alternative so you can still get married at your Dominican dream location no matter what your sexual orientation is.

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  1. Mark

    Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.

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